Launched in 2016,

The Dutch Digital Art

Museum  Almere

(DDAMA), was created

with the following


  • Almere, a new town, founded in 1976,  today has more than 213,000 inhabitants.  It is a new town, beautifully situated on three lakes: Gooimeer, IJmeer and Markermeer. The city was built beside these dikes, 2 – 5 meter below sea level. Almere with its beautiful houses, gardens, cycle paths, and a short travel distance to Amsterdam, continues to develop rapidly. Construction, infrastructure and employment opportunities have had now enough attention. It is the right time for a museum of contemporary art. How can Almere, home to a relatively young population, express itself better with a museum devoted to digital art? An artistic digital highway, with artistic initiatives, developments and research, an artistic digital valley is needed to pioneer in this field.


  • A museum of digital art is needed in an era of continuous digitalization. Communication through digital art is the higher alternative for a faster and more anonymous society, in which the human aspects are linked to algorithms, big data, robotization, anti-social media.


  • Digital art asks the following question: On a social, economic and communicational level, “what are we doing with our society?”. Similar to conventional art, digital art too, takes us back to where we originally came from. It brightens our world and makes us realize how small the world really is. Let us wonder, enjoy, be amazed, and above all, be critical.


  • DDAMA wants to guide visitors and followers, to know, where to stand in a world with constantly “turning tables”, to make them part of actual discussions and changes in life. If digital art gives you this power, why not use it?

Digital Art Makes You Open Your Mouth!